Dear Big Blue Bus Customers & Friends,
We are deeply saddened by the tragic events of this past Friday. Our hearts ache for the victims and their families. The senseless and random nature of what took place can diminish our confidence in the most routine things — going to work, going to school, riding the bus, going about our day, and just living our lives. The other dimension of what took place on Friday is the unparalleled professionalism, bravery and humanity demonstrated by the men and women of the city's Police, Fire, Big Blue Bus, City Manager's Office, and more, together with the many residents who did their part.
I want to share with you that I could not be more proud of the motor coach operator of the bus that was caught in the monstrous series of events. The operator acted quickly and tactically to get her customers out of harm's way. She, together with a relief operator on board, rendered smart and selfless service. And, had it not been for customers working together with the operator of our bus, the outcome might have been worse. While much of what took place in those seconds to minutes can be chalked up to instinct, the reality is that we are always better when we act together toward a common purpose. This is the case in the face of danger. It is no less the case in the way we navigate our routine matters.
While nothing can undo what occurred, we are resolved to do all that we can to help our community recover from Friday's senseless tragedy. Getting back to routine is a step. For many of us, it starts with resuming our lives as we know it. Going to work. Going to school. Riding the bus. Living our lives. Know that we at the Big Blue Bus join you as we, too, are navigating our way back to what was once routine and what feels like home. For us, it is service to you, our customers, that is the comfort of our daily routine. It is what we love. We are proud to serve you and sincerely thank you for the privilege.
Ed King
Director of Transit Services, BBB