The Advocates for Malibu Public Schools, AMPS, will hold a meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. to gain support for their efforts to separate the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.
Karen Farrer, founding member of AMPS, is calling to arms families and communities from Malibu and Santa Monica in order to help spread AMPS' message.
"The schools in both Malibu and Santa Monica would be financially better off if we separate," Farrer said in an e-mail. "Malibu would have substantially more funds and the ability to control the direction of our kids' education. Santa Monica would have more funding as well. Malibu would be able to create an exceptional school district based upon Malibu values. Santa Monica would be able to focus on its own agenda and goals without the distraction of Malibu."
With a separate school district, AMPS wants to create smaller class sizes, bring in new technologies to the classroom, have more resources for academically-struggling students, and more.
Within the past week, AMPS has funded studies, to be conducted by research consultant WestEd, to work out the details of separation.
The meeting will be held at Malibu City Hall, which is located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road.