There are two propositions — 30 and 38 — on the ballot that aim to raise funds for an educational system that has suffered through major cuts during the state's struggles during a down economy.
So, this week's Q-Line question asked:
Which of these two propositions will you vote for and why?
Here are your responses:
"Over many years, Gov. Brown has been an active supporter of improving California's education system. He favors Proposition 30. That's good enough for me to vote yes on Proposition 30."
"What kind of moron votes to ever increase taxes, but especially during a depression? I can't believe how stupid people are to be emotionally manipulated by scum-sucking politicians. Both of these taxes just about equal the increase in state spending this year. People and your newspaper hear the word education, and everyone goes to the bathroom. Like a full-blown junkie, your so-called leaders have a spending monkey on your back. When is California going to realize the liberal, degenerate filth that you voted for is not only destroying California, but certainly Santa Monica, but most of all our country. California will be the first state to declare bankruptcy. Next will be our country by devaluing its currency to challenge the $16 trillion debt."
"Please readers, vote yes for Brown's honest measure, number 30, which raises the taxes of incomes over $250,000 to a fair share of what they should be. And please vote no on 38. It was submitted and backed with millions of dollars by that $250,000 class. If it passes by more votes than 30, it can destroy 30 and the fair raise."
"I'm a parent at Grant Elementary and John Adams Middle School and I am supporting both Props. 30 and 38 for education because my children are in public schools and of course I would support public schools. Why would I not?"
"If one of these two initiatives doesn't pass the school year will shorten by three weeks next year. How are we ever going to compete in the global economy if we continue to dumb down our schools. Asking millionaires to cough up a few hundred bucks extra each year to keep us competitive is a no-brainer. We all need to vote yes on 30 and 38 to maintain our quality of life."
"I'm voting no on both. I think all the elected officials should take a pay cut and use that money to help the schools."
"I could scream in anger every time I read an article or letter to the editor in the Santa Monica Daily Press recommending a yes vote for Proposition 38. By now everyone should know it is completely backed by millions of dollars from local billionaires in an effort to destroy Proposition 30, which would raise their taxes. So Proposition 30 yes. Proposition 38 no is the way to go."
"Are you kidding? I'm voting for both. After recently listening to a radio show on Larry Mantle's KPCC AirTalk program, I have a better understanding of both initiatives and am comfortable that either will provide much-needed funding to schools. What a shame if our desire to fund education is defeated because we all split our votes between the two. No harm in voting for the two as only one will be enacted."
"The idiots in Sacramento keep wasting money. When they get more, they waste it, ask for more. Repeat. I will not vote for either measure."
"I've supported public schools all of my life and have voted for all the school bonds, but I am voting no on both propositions. First of all, it is unethical and unconscionable for rich people and corporations to buy the government that suits them. And in Santa Monica there is no evidence whatsoever that a single penny has gone to the schools."
"I think it's time to tell the elected officials in Sacramento that they can't just keep asking for more money. While education is a worthwhile investment, so is forcing the legislature to live within its means. We need real pension reform, a new budget process and cuts to the prison industrial complex. Until I see the legislators working hard to reach a balanced budget that does not rely on borrowing, I will not vote for any more tax increases. I don't even care if it means taking food out of the mouths of the less fortunate. Our backs are up against a wall and it's time to make the tough choices to get us back on track. And that doesn't mean more tax increases, even on the wealthy."