Crime Watch is a weekly series culled from reports provided by the Santa Monica Police Department. These are arrests only. All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sunday, Oct. 23, at 12:45 p.m.,
Santa Monica police officers responded to the 1300 block of Euclid Street regarding a residential burglary that had occurred. When officers arrived, they made contact with a man who said he had returned to his apartment and noticed that his bathroom window was broken and several personal items were missing. The man left his apartment and went to his neighbor's unit to see if he had heard or seen anything. When the man entered his neighbor's apartment, he said he immediately noticed his property was inside the unit. The man left and called police. Officers spoke with the neighbor, who said that the man left his front door open and that he was holding the property for him while he was away. The suspect admitted to taking the property. Based on the investigation, officers placed the suspect under arrest and he was booked for possession of stolen property and a probation violation. He was identified as Ernest Choi, 35, of Santa Monica.
Thursday, Oct. 27, at 5:04 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 400 block of Wilshire Boulevard — First Republic Bank — regarding a suspected forger in custody. When officers arrived, they made contact with the bank manager who said that the suspect entered the bank and tried to cash a check that appeared to be forged. Employees contacted the account holder, who denied issuing any checks to the suspect and did not know who he was. Officers further learned that the suspect had recently left the First Republic Bank in Beverly Hills, where he was successful in cashing a check with the same account holder. Prior to police arriving, the suspect requested his identification back and was trying to leave the bank. He was detained by police and placed under arrest for burglary and being in possession of a false check. He was identified as Joey Harris, 25, of Los Angeles. His bail was set at $20,000.
Monday, Oct. 24, at 1:05 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 1400 block of the Third Street Promenade — H&M Clothing — regarding a suspected shoplifter in custody. When officers arrived, they made contact with store security, who said that they watched the suspect conceal several items of clothing inside bags he was carrying. Officers located the suspect inside the store dancing to music that was playing. Officers approached the suspect and said his pockets were bulging with clothing items that had H&M tags on them. Further, officers said two bags the suspect was carrying also had H&M clothing in them. Officers walked up to the suspect, asked him how his shopping experience was going in an attempt to let him know that police were watching him. He had not yet exited the store so no crime had been committed. Officers waited outside the store and watched as the suspect allegedly walked out without paying for the items in his possession, setting off an alarm. He was taken into custody and the stolen items were recovered. They included items from H&M and GAP. The clothing was valued at over $600. The suspect was arrested and booked for burglary, possession of stolen property and a probation violation. He was identified as Jeffrey Laquin Adams, 27, of Los Angeles. No bail was set.
Sunday, Oct. 30, at 7:12 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 2200 block of 26th Street regarding a report of a man slumped over in the driver's seat of his vehicle, which was parked along the curb. The person who called police said the man had been there for several hours. When officers arrived, they made contact with the man, who appeared to be fully awake. The subject told officers that he had been awake for several days and was tired. While talking with the man, officers said they were able to see on the floorboard a clear plastic bag containing what officers recognized to be crack cocaine. Next to the bag was a glass smoking pipe and lighter, police said. The suspect was removed from the vehicle and placed under arrest for possession of a controlled substance. He was identified as Bijan Naim, 55, of Los Angeles. His bail was set at $10,000.
Sunday, Oct. 30, at 2 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 1500 block of Lincoln Boulevard — Denny's — on the report of a man failing to pay for a meal he ordered. When officers arrived, they made contact with the restaurant manager who said the suspect ordered food, ate and then had no means to pay the bill. He was placed under arrest for defrauding an innkeeper. He was identified as Brendan Farrel, 52, of Santa Monica. His bail was set at $500.
Editor-in-Chief Kevin Herrera compiled these reports.