Crime Watch is a weekly series culled from reports provided by the Santa Monica Police Department. These are arrests only. All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Friday, April 1, at 7:33 a.m.,
Santa Monica police officers responded to the Rite-Aid located in the 1800 block of Wilshire Boulevard regarding allegations of fraud. When officers arrived, they made contact with the two suspects; one was waiting in a car outside while the other was inside the drug store. Further investigation revealed the suspect in the car had purchased items from the store using a fraudulent credit card. Officers searched the car and found items from other Rite-Aid stores. Officers also confiscated the credit card, ran it and found that it had been used at 30 Rite-Aid and CVS locations throughout Southern California, police said. The suspects were placed under arrest for conspiracy and credit card fraud. They were identified as Adriana Zuniaga, 39, of Long Beach and Gina Gortarez, 44, of San Pedro. Bail was set at $50,000.
Sunday, March 27, at 9:57 p.m.,
Officers were on routine patrol in the 1900 block of Alley 8 when they saw a driver trying to park in the alley. Officers ran the plates and discovered that the registered owner had several warrants. Officers made contact with the driver and discovered she was driving on a suspended license. The driver allegedly became agitated and tried to drive away. Officers were able to stop her and placed her under arrest for driving without a license and obstruction of justice. Officers were able to handcuff the suspect and as they were placing her inside the patrol care she began to yell and refused to sit. Once inside, she removed one of her hands from the cuffs, officers said. During a search of the car, officers said they found marijuana, an Ecstasy pill and drug paraphernalia. During the booking search officers said they found methamphetamine in the suspect’s clothing. The suspect was eventually booked for possession, obstruction of justice, the suspended license and three warrants. She was identified as Sarah Sherpa, 25, (she refused to state where she lived, police said). Her bail was set at $16,881.
Monday, March 28, at 10:25 p.m.,
Officers responded to the 800 block of the beach regarding a man chasing someone in the middle of Pacific Coast Highway. When officers arrived, the victim said he was riding his bicycle in the parking lot in the 900 block of the beach when the suspect approached him and made threats. The suspect allegedly grabbed a wooden stick and struck the victim. The victim tried to peddle away but fell when his wheel hit some sand. The suspect hit him another four or five times before the victim started running. Officers located the suspect and placed him under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon. He was identified as Ervin Butler, 39, a transient. His bail was set at $30,000.
Tuesday, March 29, at 11:48 a.m.,
Officers responded to Old Navy regarding possible shoplifters in custody. When officers arrived, they made contact with store security who said two suspects concealed merchandise in their backpack and canvass bag. The suspects left without paying. Security detained them until police arrived. Officers placed the two under arrest for burglary. They were identified as Reginald Mitchell, 19, of Los Angeles and Jessica Turner, 18. Bail was set at $20,000.
Tuesday, March 29, at 9:27 a.m.,
Officers responded to the 2900 block of Olympic Boulevard regarding a suspect trespassing on the property. When officers arrived, they were contacted by security guards who told them that the suspect was a former employee and he was asked to leave the property. Security escorted the suspect out of the building. While outside, a car was exiting through a security gate. The suspect allegedly tried to run at the car and the occupants. Security tried to stop him and a fight ensued. Police said the suspect kicked one of the guards in the face and tried to hit him. Officers arrested the suspect, Brian Burke, 36, a transient, for assault with a deadly weapon. His bail was set at $30,761.
Sunday, April 3, at 4:40 p.m.,
Officers responded to Sears regarding two alleged shoplifters in custody. When officers arrived, they made contact with staff at the department store who said the suspects entered the store, went to the watch department and removed three watches. They then left without paying, police said. Security detained the suspects outside the store and held them until police arrived. Officers said one of the suspects was in possession of a fake driver’s license and Social Security card. He was identified as Daniel Ruiz, 30, Inglewood. He was booked for forgery, possession of a forged document with and official seal and theft. His bail was set at $20,000. The second suspect, Adrian Garcia, 25, of Inglewood, was booked for theft and a probation violation. His bail was set at $10,000.
Editor-in-chief Kevin Herrera compiled these reports.