The City Council has approved a request from Councilmembers Jesse Zwick and Barry Snell to develop new curbside management measures aimed at reducing congestion, enhancing safety, and mitigating double parking.
The approved request directs staff to draft an ordinance establishing a legal framework and fee schedule for a smart loading zone pilot program. The initiative also explores a public-private partnership for curb management incorporating available technology, with options and tradeoffs to be presented to Council for consideration.
"I'm glad that myself and Councilmember Zwick brought this forward, because I honestly believe that it's going to improve safety measures with respect to mitigating double parking," said Councilmember Snell. "I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the efficiencies that we're going to use with this technology. I'm pretty excited about it and really interested to see what staff finds out and comes back with."
Snell emphasized the potential benefits, adding, "I do believe that it's a measure that will enhance safety, mitigate double parking, and actually generate some revenue that we may not have seen before."
Councilmember Zwick explained the technological approach being considered.
"A number of cities are adopting technology that enable them to monitor their commercial loading zones and invoice users for the right to use that space, majority of them being large companies that specialize in deliveries or ride your pickups or things of that nature," he said.
He cited implementations in other municipalities, saying a better system would benefit residents and the city as it faces financial challenges.
"You've seen in other cities that have adopted this technology and public partnership with advanced camera technology companies that you see dramatic reduction,” he said. “First of all, you see much better utilization of the curb space. You see it available much more for people who are looking to do drop offs pickups. You see really large reductions in double parking and other really unsafe behaviors that people utilize instead when that curve space is not available."
He said the financial potential was also significant.
"You see revenues in the millions of dollars to cities that engage in these other private partnerships. So I think it would be a win, win for safety and for our city finances," he said.
According to the research firm Clean Tech Group, the pandemic has transformed urban curb space from simple parking revenue generators to multi-use zones requiring sophisticated management. Cities now face increased demand for food deliveries, package drop-offs, outdoor dining, and parklets, yet continue using outdated metering systems designed only for personal vehicles.
This creates inefficiencies as commercial vehicles circle blocks or park illegally. Digital innovators across the US and Europe are developing solutions that reduce traffic congestion and emissions, diversify revenue streams, and improve enforcement through reservations and automation.
Clean Tech reports that inefficiencies in the current parking structure causes an increase in urban traffic and costs cities billions of dollars each year. Possible solutions include the use of cameras, in-road sensors and tracking telecommunications data.
Santa Monica previously conducted a Zero Emission Delivery Zone pilot to encourage cleaner vehicles along streets. While that program wasn’t designed to specifically address double parking, it did include incentives for alternative kinds of delivery vehicles.
The program gave priority curb access to clean electric delivery vehicles in a one-square mile area in Downtown Santa Monica and along Main Street.
The pilot tested various zero-emission vehicles (personal delivery devices, electric cargo bikes, light electric trucks), charging infrastructure, and curb management strategies. Goals included creating a blueprint for other cities, providing operational insights to delivery companies, reducing pollution, noise and congestion, improving safety, and offering economic opportunities to small businesses through zone benefits.