Dear Editor,
Substituting one form of discrimination for another is in noone’s best interests. DEI ideology — which enjoys privileged status in all major news and entertainment circles—does exactly that.
In fact according to DEI ideology, only those they name “oppressed” and “disadvantaged” have any right to claim “discrimination” in any situation at all. Parents lose any rights to how their children are to be educated in public schools, which are now DEI ideologically focused, even though the schools’ funding is paid for by tax dollars, and certain students that ideology presumes to be “privileged” have been publicly shamed and humiliated in front of their classmates just because of their “majority” race, gender, and sexual orientation.
Worse yet, Newsom and state legislature Democrats have signed into law a measure that would strip parents of their parental rights, where the state is free to convince young children that they are of another “gender” and perform sexual mutilation on them without allowing parents any input until after the mutilation has been done.
This is beyond sick and evil, and any company promoting DEI richly deserves public condemnation, if not outright prosecution.
Gregory Fry, Los Angeles