Pesticide caused kids’ brain damage, California lawsuits say
DON THOMPSON Associated Press Lawsuits filed Monday in California seek potential class-action dama
DON THOMPSON Associated Press Lawsuits filed Monday in California seek potential class-action dama
For foster youth who have dealt with a year of isolation on top of the loneliness inherent to the fo
Children’s Bureau is now offering two virtual ways for individuals and/or couples to learn how to help children in foster ...
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) announced that more than 30% of LA County high school ...
The Venice Japanese American Memorial Monument Committee has been coordinating the almost monthly maintenance of the solid black granite VJAMM ...
Registration for the Santa Monica YMCA Fall 2018 Youth Basketball league is underway as of 9:00 a.m. July 30, 2018. ...
The first Friday of every month Pico Youth & Family Center is hosting, Flowmotion, a performance event that uses hip-hop ...
The film “Youth” is a symphony for the eyes and ears -a full-length symphonic music video. It's a series of ...
The fifth Junior Social Entrepreneurship Summit came to a close this summer after participants presented their ideas to create ...
For weeks the youngsters have created beats, composed music and crafted lyrics. They've poured their passion into songs about peace, ...