Uber, Lyft spend big, win in California vote about drivers
BRIAN MELLEY Associated Press Uber, Lyft and other app-based ride-hailing and delivery services sp
BRIAN MELLEY Associated Press Uber, Lyft and other app-based ride-hailing and delivery services sp
DON THOMPSON Associated Press California voters stuck with the state's traditional cash bail syste
Across Santa Monica stores are boarding up and ballots are going in. As the City prepares for the possibility of ...
As the traditional Election Day closes in, Americans are exhausted from constant crises, on edge because of volatile political divisions ...
Turnout has been heavy during the early voting period as Californians cast ballots for president, the state Legislature, local offices ...
Tuesday's election will test the boundaries of California's left-leaning politics as a new generation of state voters is being asked ...
Two Vote Centers are open in Santa Monica. The National Typewriter Company center, pictured here, is
A pair of 11-Day Vote Centers opened in Santa Monica Saturday, meaning local residents now have the
Santa Monica voters will have the opportunity to decide the fate of a local ballot measures this com
ADAM BEAM Associated Press California’s legislative leaders said Thursday they will let absent l