Athlete’s app enters the competitive dating world d
Sofia Pirri Special to the Daily Press A basketball player since the age of 5, college athlete and
Sofia Pirri Special to the Daily Press A basketball player since the age of 5, college athlete and
MATT O’BRIEN and MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writers When U.S. law enforcement officials need
Facebook is launching podcasts and live audio streams in the U.S. on Monday to keep users engaged on its platform ...
For years residents have been bemoaning the buzzing of electric scooters on Santa Monica’s sidewal
The Teen Talk app connects teenagers in need of support with advice from those who understand them b
MATT O'BRIEN, AP Technology Writer A group of Google engineers announced Monday they have formed a union, creating a rare ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday announced a voluntary smartphone tool to alert people of poss
From a Venice based team of UCLA graduates comes a new meditation app seeking to cut through the cro
Jonathan Chu, owner of The Independence gastropub and Lanea restaurant, created OhWaiter because he
After weeks of around-the-clock planning for the start of distance learning, teachers and students woke up yesterday to a problem ...