Santa Monica local measures 2014 election results
12 p.m. Wednesday:The Daily Press is still waiting to hear how many absentee and provisional ballots were cast at polling ...
12 p.m. Wednesday:The Daily Press is still waiting to hear how many absentee and provisional ballots were cast at polling ...
SMO — Claire Goldberg started her senior year this fall with almost 20 hours of recorded flight time, about to ...
SMO — Opponents of the Santa Monica Airport lost their second of two lawsuits that attempted to dismantle a ballot ...
CITY HALL - An aviation community-backed measure and a City Council-backed measure will go head-to-head on the ballot in November. ...
This essay is in response to three recent submissions to the SMDP by airport proponents. One is the May 10-11 ...
SMO - Voters will have a chance to decide whether or not to take more direct control over the future ...
SMO — City Council's ballot measure, which is designed to compete with a pro-airport measure, is taking form. Three plans ...
CITY HALL — City Council is getting closer to a final ballot measure designed to compete with one put forth ...
CITY HALL — City Council will consider putting forward a ballot measure that would be less restrictive of council's power ...
CITY HALL — The actor known for piloting the Millennium Falcon in "Star Wars," a floatplane in "Indian Jones," and ...