Letter: Airport rent hikes shouldn’t fly
Editor: I find it quite disturbing that we have an airport commission that is anti-airport and would have the gall ...
Editor: I find it quite disturbing that we have an airport commission that is anti-airport and would have the gall ...
The Airport Commission wants month-to-month, market rate leases for tenants at the Santa Monica Airport until a plan for the ...
The Museum of Flying in Santa Monica, in conjunction with Kilo Foxtrot films, will kick-off of the Museum of Flying ...
A trove of 10 personal letters written from 1948-1950, mostly from Queen Elizabeth II to Sharman Douglas (Princess Margaret's close ...
He's spent thousands of hours in scores of aircraft during his 91 years on Earth, but Jule Lamm has never ...
Dear Editor, In response to your recent (1/5/15) article on the Airport Commission's December 22, 2014, vote to approve an ...
Residents get what they deserve Editor: It doesn't take a crystal ball to know what's wrong with this city. (Bill) ...
CITY HALL — After a decade and a half on the dais and having had, in his words, "the football ...
SMO —Usage of the Santa Monica Airport continued to decline in 2013 but the number of jet flights increased. Total ...
SMO — The parent company and owner of a now-closed Santa Monica restaurant have pleaded guilty to serving meat from ...