When or if the smoke clears
Some say that it's impolite to discuss politics and religion. (I'm not sure who originally coined that expression but I'm ...
Some say that it's impolite to discuss politics and religion. (I'm not sure who originally coined that expression but I'm ...
With Thanksgiving upon us, we were feeling a bit introspective. So, this week's Q-Line question asked: What are you thankful ...
Editor: I agree with Bill Bauer that our city is basically run by Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights (SMRR), developers, ...
For more than three decades City Hall has had a policy whereindevelopersobtain generous construction bonuses including extraheight and density over ...
Editor: The bellyaching of some Santa Monicans always amuses me. They complain about the massive number of construction projects going ...
Santa Monica Mayor Richard Bloom is locked in a near dead-heat with Assemblywoman Betsy Butler to represent the 50th Assembly ...
Editor: In a 4-2 decision, the City Council was given a choice between two plans for a development agreement for ...
Village Trailer Park (Photo by Daniel Archuleta) CITY HALL — The City Council on Wednesday gave the go-ahead to build ...
The problem with a general presidential electionis that tens of thousands ofresidentsvoting on federal or state offices and propositionsdon't careabout ...
Santa Monica voters fill out their ballots at City Hall on Tuesday. (Photo by Brandon Wise) CITYWIDE — Every candidate ...