Community health centers are key to solving striking vaccine inequities
Three months into the vaccine rollout people of color are receiving doses at a startlingly low rate
Three months into the vaccine rollout people of color are receiving doses at a startlingly low rate
The highly anticipated Historic Belmar Park is set to open to the public this month following a virt
Santa Monica was well represented on television over Super Bowl weekend. Amanda Gorman, the 22-year-
The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s Board of Education is set to meet for its first
The First Baptist Church of Venice is fighting to preserve the 110 year legacy of its historically b
Oscar de la Torre will be ending his 18-year tenure on the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board to assume ...
With a vaccine rollout on the horizon and an incoming Biden administration, Senator Ben Allen and Co
In Oct. 1970 the Venice Family Clinic opened as a small nighttime center offering free healthcare to
Twelve women from cities throughout Southern California will come together this Saturday to create t
For the third weekend in a row, protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco and other communities ...