Letter: In Santa Monica, driving home a point about transit needs
To the editor: Daniel Shenise spouts the bizarre notion that parking spots are a subsidy for the "storage of private ...
To the editor: Daniel Shenise spouts the bizarre notion that parking spots are a subsidy for the "storage of private ...
Editor: Assault weapons have no place on our streets. There can be no reason to allow their sale or possession. ...
When I began writing these columns in 2006, "Laughing Matters" seemed an appropriate banner. With what's occurring in the world ...
Dear Rick Cole: I am a longtime resident of Santa Monica. I've been reading articles about the impending El Niño ...
Those of us who came from other places in the world realize how lucky we are to be able to ...
The Planning Commission is currently reviewing the Downtown Specific Plan. This document will govern what is built in the downtown ...
Editor: My name is Michael Zeno. I am a licensed pedicab operator and resident of Santa Monica. I enjoy helping ...
Former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O'Neill coined the phrase, “All politics are Local.” Indeed, he's correct. Certainly residents ...
When City Council approved the Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE) zoning code updates, there were a number of issues ...
Curb your DA's. No, we're not talking about District Attorneys, but rather the propensity of our planning staff to negotiate ...