City Council approves plans to add a dedicated bus lane to 1.25 miles of Lincoln Boulevard
After two years of discussions, surveys and planning, the City is moving forward with a $2.9 million plan to ...
After two years of discussions, surveys and planning, the City is moving forward with a $2.9 million plan to ...
Lincoln Boulevard could get medians, dedicated bus lanes and a business improvement district after all three concepts received unanimous support ...
With the pending closure of Haggen on Lincoln Boulevard, community activists, city planners and staff are talking about future opportunities ...
LINCOLN. A NAME ASSOCIATED WITHfreedom. Lincoln Blvd., a street known as "Stinkin' Lincoln", stuck in traffic that makes one think ...
It looks like Lincoln Boulevard will soon join The Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plans, Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo), Downtown ...