New California homeless database aims to help policymakers
JANIE HAR Associated Press A new California data warehouse system unveiled Wednesday should help p
JANIE HAR Associated Press A new California data warehouse system unveiled Wednesday should help p
A proposal by two Los Angeles city councilmen to set up temporary camps or “tiny homes” for home
A proposal by two Los Angeles city councilmen to set up temporary camps or "tiny homes" for homeless people in ...
CHRISTOPHER WEBER, Associated Press A newly installed fence surrounded a Los Angeles park Thursday after a late-night confrontation between police ...
Associated Press Demonstrators gathered Wednesday to protest the planned temporary closure of a Los
A car crashed into a Los Angeles homeless encampment early Thursday but there were no serious injuries, authorities said. Three ...
In July 2019, when Chie and Phillip Lunn bought a house for their 7 and 10-year-old children on Rose
Christopher Weber, Associated Press A fed up federal judge in California has said last week’s rai
The City is about to enter its mid-year budget process and while Council will debate priorities for
Venice Family Clinic’s street medicine team is transforming the way it treats homeless individuals