GOP’s Faulconer: Boost shelters for homeless Californians
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press Republican gubernatorial candidate Kevin Faulconer wants to crea
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press Republican gubernatorial candidate Kevin Faulconer wants to crea
Self-professed “beast” John Cox drove into town on Monday to deliver his case as to why voters s
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press John Cox, a Republican candidate for California governor, said M
Action is being taken to tackle the Boardwalk’s homelessness crisis, but it is being led by two di
Santa Monica City Council unanimously adopted its biennial budget for Fiscal Years 2021–2023 Wedne
Businesses and hotels in Marina del Rey are sounding an alarm against what they perceive as an ill-a
Jamie Paige Venice Current / SMDP Staff A person experiencing homelessness was arrested Monday afte
On Memorial Day, May 31, at approximately 1:38 p.m., a Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) Pubic Services Officer working near ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday proposed $12 billion in new funding to get more people experiencing homelessness in the ...
Los Angeles County will appeal a federal judge’s order requiring the city of Los Angeles and the c