Bonin recall fails, tensions heat over homelessness
Despite collecting over 39,000 signatures, an effort to recall CD-11 City Councilman Mike Bonin was
Despite collecting over 39,000 signatures, an effort to recall CD-11 City Councilman Mike Bonin was
CLARA HARTER & Emily Sawicki SMDP Staff Writers With nine months until voting day 2022, Santa Monica
MARY CLARE JALONICK, LISA MASCARO and ZEKE MILLER Associated Press President Joe Biden accused Donald Trump and his supporters of ...
The county clerk reported no signatures were submitted by the deadline to appear on a 2022 special e
The new Assembly District 51 cuts a corridor inland along Santa Monica Boulevard through Hollywood,
State Senator Henry Stern announced his candidacy for Kuehl’s seat following the redistricting map
KATHLEEN RONAYNE Associated Press Every registered California voter will get a ballot mailed to the
MICHAEL R. BLOOD AP Political Writer California Republicans are eager to move on from their failed
Daniel Farr Vote: It was quiet at the polls on Tuesday as many voters in the race to recall Gov. ...
Locations: The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has announced three in-person voting locations for Santa Monica. The Vote Centers will ...