Recall confusion
MATTHEW HALL & todd James, SMDP Staff California’s recall election for Governor Gavin Newsom is u
MATTHEW HALL & todd James, SMDP Staff California’s recall election for Governor Gavin Newsom is u
Newsom: Progressive Landlords of Santa Monica, Jay Johnon, Mathew Millen and Michael Millman install
DAVID A. LIEB and ACACIA CORONADO Associated Press The once-a-decade battle over redistricting is
A judge has agreed with a majority of Santa Monica councilmembers that current Councilman Oscar de l
WILL WEISSERT Associated Press On a sweaty recent Thursday afternoon, Alex Berrios was instructing
Jaime Paige Venice, Current/SMDP Staff Writer The clock to recall Councilmember Mike Bonin has started. A group looking to recall ...
City Council has opened the application process to appoint a new member to fill the seat vacated by
BRIAN SLODYSKO, Associated Press As Congress begins debate this week on sweeping voting and ethics legislation, Democrats and Republicans can ...
STEVE PEOPLES, AP National Political Writer For the first time in more than a decade, Republicans are waking up to ...
During a Jan. 15 meeting the SMMUSD Board of Education will appoint a new member to fill City Counci