City Council to tackle lobbying, Santa Monica Airport leases
At its July 14 meeting, the City Council will take on several controversial issues and few housekeeping items. LOBBYING The ...
At its July 14 meeting, the City Council will take on several controversial issues and few housekeeping items. LOBBYING The ...
Santa Monica has had the distinction of being recognized as one of the most "progressive" cities in the nation. It ...
Philosopher Alain de Botton wrote that "bad architecture is a frozen mistake writ large. We owe it to the fields ...
Despite complaints from numerous neighbors, the Planning Commission agreed to let a residential child care center double the number of ...
It says something about the significance of development issues in Santa Monica that one City Council member had to be ...
Editor: The massive, code-busting Plaza at Santa Monica hotel project's "public benefits" should include free overnight stays for every city ...
In coming days City Council will fill three positions on the Planning Commission. In political circles, the hubbub on who ...
City Council will consider a bunch of intersections previously envisioned for taller and higher density developments at its meeting on ...
To vastly oversimplify things, if City Council is the Major Leagues of reviewing development agreements, then the Planning Commission is ...
The Plaza at Santa Monica proposed for 4th and 5th streets and Arizona Avenue moved closer to reality June 3 ...