Activists and the aftermath
Robert Redford stars in 'The Company You Keep.' Remember "Hell no, we won't go!" and "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many ...
Robert Redford stars in 'The Company You Keep.' Remember "Hell no, we won't go!" and "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many ...
Robert Joy and Brighid Fleming in the world premiere of 'The Nether.' In the bleak world of the future the ...
It's really puzzling trying to figure out who the producers of "Avenue Q" had in mind for an audience for ...
ACTION: Virginia Newcomb and Dan Shaked star in 'On the Spectrum.' (Ed Krieger He is a 23-year-old college graduate ...
Scott Kruse and Meredith Bishop in 'Complete.' If you are at all familiar with the brutal self-help discipline of est ...
(L to R) Jason Rowland, Jonathan Root and Elijah Rock in 'Paradise' at the Ruskin. There ain't no harps in ...
Ed Koch Two of my new favorite documentaries are opening at Laemmle's newly-remodeled Royal Theatre in West Los Angeles — ...
ALL TOGETHER: ‘The Baby Project' is currently playing at the Road Theatre in North Hollywood. (Photo courtesy Road Theatre at ...
Morris Panych's '7 Stories' dwells on the boundaries between illusion and reality. A tall man in a tightly-buttoned suit and ...
THE CAST: Jayne Brook, Didi Conn and Lawrence Pressman in 'A Heap of Livin'' at the Odyssey Theatre in West ...