Moderna says its low-dose COVID shot works for kids 6 to 11
LAURAN NEERGAARD AP Medical Writer Moderna said Monday that a low dose of its COVID-19 vaccine is s
LAURAN NEERGAARD AP Medical Writer Moderna said Monday that a low dose of its COVID-19 vaccine is s
In the shadow of a 31-student quarantine at John Muir Elementary School and SMASH, the SMMUSD schoo
While the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) remains focused on administering first doses of vaccine to ...
STEFANIE DAZIO Associated Press Public health departments across California are gearing up to admini
SMMUSD will hold a School Board meeting on Oct. 21 and continue discussions over a potential vaccine
DON THOMPSON Associated Press California’s coronavirus death toll reached another once-unfathomab
CHRISTOPHER WEBER, Associated Press Los Angeles leaders on Wednesday approved one of the nation's strictest vaccine mandates — a sweeping ...
The City of Santa Monica’s Fortieth Emergency Supplement signed today extends the City’s remaining local emergency orders through October 31, ...
MATTHEW PERRONE AP Health Writer In a potential leap forward in the global fight against the pandem
OLGA RODRIGUEZ and ADAM BEAM Associated Press California will enact the nation’s first coronaviru