California announces end to school mask mandates
The State of California will no longer require schoolkids to wear masks as part of new indoor mask p
The State of California will no longer require schoolkids to wear masks as part of new indoor mask p
Emily Sawicki SMDP Staff Writer Beginning Friday, fully vaccinated LA County residents will no longe
More than $3 million has been set aside for code enforcement, policing and other oversight to combat
Nuggets of good news brightened the gloomy overtones of the City’s midyear budget review — like
Santa Monica school kids are no longer obliged to wear face masks outdoors as of Wednesday, Feb. 16.
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer When presented with a study session on a potential vaccine mandate fo
Emily Sawicki SMDP Staff Writer Santa Monica City Hall is back open to the public, with the City Cle
THERE’S A LOT GOING ON In my life. Yours too, I’ll bet. Because there is a lot less going on. ...
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer As Los Angeles plans for life post surge, Public Health Director Barb
donation: Santa Monica-based non-profit the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation surprised UCLA COVID