COVID-19 has rewritten the rules for crafting a competitive college application
The college application process has long been a source of stress, anxiety, and even exhaustion for h
The college application process has long been a source of stress, anxiety, and even exhaustion for h
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 30 new deaths and 990 new cases of ...
GENE JOHNSON and PETER PRENGAMAN Associated Press Dizzy with a soaring fever and unable to breathe
LAURAN NEERGAARD and CANDICE CHOI Associated Press One of COVID-19's scariest mysteries is why som
The $133 million new academic structure at Santa Monica High School, known as the Discovery Building
The novel coronavirus has forced cuts in departments and divisions throughout the city, and Santa Mo
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) continues seeing progress in key indicators, including daily hospitalizations and ...
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 40 new deaths and 810 new cases of ...
The COVID-19 daily positivity rate continues to decline but Los Angeles County health experts said M
September 13 marked six months since the City’s first Emergency Declaration responding to the COVI