Council forced to revote on Oceana Hotel restaurant.
The Oceana Hotel is hoping the third time’s a charm as they are slated for a re-vote on the appeal ...
The Oceana Hotel is hoping the third time’s a charm as they are slated for a re-vote on the appeal ...
The 2022 California election is likely to be packed with ballot initiatives, and as the late April signature gathering deadline ...
Nearly two years since Santa Monica last had a permanent city attorney, a third interim attorney, Susan Cola, has been ...
The longstanding Black and Latino populations of Santa Monica now have two new holidays officially r
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer As the world watches the Russian invasion with horror, the City of Sa
With the success of the Super Bowl Pregame Show already a glowing memory, the Pier is ramping up for
CLARA HARTER SMDP Staff Writer Environmental attorney and Housing Commissioner Ellis Raskin has toss
Some of the major action in last Tuesday’s City Council meeting was marked not by what Councilmemb
Emily Sawicki SMDP Staff Writer Whether by negligence or malice, combustible fuels on the Pier — e
The stacked council agenda includes an investigation into alleged open meeting law violations by two