Santa Monica Daily Press Publisher Ross Furukawa conducts a one on one conversation with Betsy Butler in anticipation of the upcoming election for California State Senator, 26th District.
Betsy Butlerbelieves California taxpayers deserve two things: to feel safe, and to have a good education. "We need to fund our schools fully, whether the economy's boom or bust, by making sure we have dedicated sources." She says she's very interested in a carbon market tax – "you pay for what you use, so it's a very fair, less regressive. I also think we should take a look at Prop. 13, on the corporate, not the personal side." Also, "49 states have an oil extraction fee, we do not – we need to have one." As for runaway production, she pointed out that New York state offers $430M in credits, California only $100M. "We need to be more competitive."