Recognizing that field space for our community is imperative, as City Manager, I’m recommending immediate funding to design a "temporary" multi-use sports field in the Civic Center with synthetic turf, fencing, lighting and portable restrooms. It is premature to program construction funding for three reasons: (1) the design process will give us a much more accurate estimate of the project’s actual construction cost (currently reflected as $3.25m in FY18-19); (2) we will be working with our partners at the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District on opportunities for joint use and perhaps some form of joint funding; and (3) we will need to work with the Coastal Commission and the County Courts on strategies for addressing the loss of parking in the Civic Center and coastal area.
I have heard from a number of community members that the time line to start construction of the field is too far out. Constructing a field is many facets. We have put together the following rough and very accelerated planning and construction schedule, recognizing the potential for unanticipated delays:
Council approval of Capital Improvement Budget - June 2016
RFP for design, evaluate proposals, Council approval, and contract execution - October 2016
Design development, community outreach, and Coastal Commission approval (contingent upon parking relocation) - May 2017
Construction documentation - July 2017
Plan check - January 2018
Issue bids for construction, evaluation, Council award, contract execution - June 2018
Construction start - July 2018
We will work as quickly as possible to effectuate Council’s direction to ensure implementation of this element of the Civic Center Master Plan and the community’s desire for a temporary sports field.
Rick Cole
City Manager for the City of Santa Monica