Stand for the flag
I just watched the first half-hour of The NFL Today in which they discussed President Trump's recent gross comments about pro teams' response to the playing of the National Anthem.
I grew up in Charleston, SC, played football for ten years beginning at age ten, have the missing teeth and bad knees from it and I am still glad I played.
I also spent almost four years in the Army of the UNITED States of America, including one tour in Viet Nam, and served as a Survivor Assistance Officer for military dead.
For almost a decade I protested successfully for restrictions on the display of the Confederate flag at U.S. National cemeteries.
I strongly support Freedom of Speech and lawful, public demonstrations. I did not vote for or support Donald Trump for President.
And like it or not, agree with him or not, whether his behavior reflects well on the Presidency or not, Donald Trump is still OUR President for the next 173 weeks.
Having written all of the above, I firmly support the proper respect for OUR National Anthem and OUR American Flag.
As Americans everyone has the right and responsibility to express their political views in whichever manner they feel appropriate but protest not on the playing field or court while wearing your teams' uniforms.
Jim Brown, Hall of Famer and best running back in the history of the NFL, said it best, "I'm an American. I don't desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I'm not gonna do anything against the flag and national anthem.
I'm going to work within those situations. But this is my country, and I'll work out the problems, but I'll do it in an intelligent manner."
For those players, coaches, staff or owners who will not stand respectively for OUR National Anthem or OUR American Flag, I will not watch their games on television or purchase any of their products.
Make no mistake the current "political activism" by these Millionaire players supported and permitted by Billionaire team owners will negatively affect their financial well being and your ratings.
May God continue to bless the UNITED States of America.
John Medlin
Santa Monica