We're planning our local election candidates forum and couldn't help but wonder what our readers would like to ask those running for office.
So, this week's Q-Line question asked:
What question do you think would make the City Council candidates squirm and why?
Here are your responses:
"What I would dearly like to know is, how these local politicians have the moxie to stand up before the citizens and run for office again, given the horrible mess on every level they have made of this once great city? Also, how do they sleep at night?"
"I would ask the candidates do you now or have you ever smoked marijuana either for medicinal or recreational purposes, or in any other form?"
"It's common knowledge that in Santa Monica if you want to play you have to pay. Therefore all functionaries of our so-called city government, elected and appointed, should publish their names and the names and or businesses from those whom they accept bribes. These people are shameless, so they would not be shamed by revealing their unethical and in some case illegal behavior. Indeed they would keep right on and ask for more."
"What would you do to bring back the Christmas displays on Ocean Avenue?"
"How is it that the Office of Sustainability can have grant money to train the general public on illegal gray water, yet there's no money for the Office of Emergency Management to help train the public on how to help and protect themselves in case of a natural disaster. How is it we have money for things that are unproven and questionably illegal, and push it and advertise it, but yet the Office of Emergency Management only has three people and they are booked for the next year to train people because they don't have any money?"
"The first question: How long have you lived in Santa Monica? Number two: Where did you buy your last car? Was it in Santa Monica? Same with other big ticket items. These taxes support the asinine spending system in this town. Number three: Are the anti-smoking and plastic bag bans important to you, even during a depression? Number four: Are you happy with these stupid bike lanes that are supposed to cure transportation gridlock because the bumbling, biased council has tax, spending and overdevelopment problems. Number five: Are you an individual thinker or progressive dupe? Number six: Do you believe Santa Monica should be a simple beach community or an identical extension of a dreadful Los Angeles?"
"I would like you to ask the City Council candidates, do you believe in God?"
"I think they should disclose the exact amount of money they are taking from developers, such as bribes. That is the core problem of Santa Monica; the money going to council members causing development and traffic chaos."
"Why don't you do anything about all the drunken bums?"
"I would ask them what they plan to do to keep pension and healthcare costs from skyrocketing. It's only a matter of time before that becomes unbearable."
"I want to know what they plan to do about the traffic and all the development that is taking place in our once quiet town. Will they vote to put a cap on the amount of commercial development in our city?"
"What are your plans to deal with the homeless situation? We have far too many people sleeping in our parks and on our streets. Some are in need, but others, I think, believe Santa Monica is a haven offering free lunches and a place to sleep. We need to make the distinction and help those who are truly in need."
"In which developer's pocket will you find yourself after the election?"