This past week, Q-Line asked:
The passing of City Councilman Herb Katz recently forced his colleagues on the dais to search for a replacement. It will be difficult to replace the esteemed Katz, who dedicated much of his life to civil service. Who would you like to see as the new City Councilmember?
Here are your responses:
“Basically, two months ago we, the Santa Monica residents, cast our ballots for the council seats. Ted Winterer and Susan Hartley lost by a nominal margin. To appoint someone else goes against the residents’ choice and the election process. The council needs to put their egos, agenda and alternative motives aside and abide by the residents’ voting choice. Will they do the proper, just and right thing, or go against our wishes and choose their political allies, making a mockery of the election. I don’t see much of a question, Winterer then Hartley is the only justifiable choice.”
“I think a special election should be held so that the citizens decide the replacement. It has got to be taken out of the hands of the self-serving City Council members. Otherwise we’ll have more stacking the deck.”
“My choices for Santa Monica City Council are as follows: Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Maria Shriver, Barbra Streisand, and Dick Van Dyke, who I have seen serving food at the Los Angeles Mission standing next to Jackie Stallone. I make this recommendation more out of tribute than reality. All our celebrities and their cups runneth over. All have expended energy for the betterment of Santa Monica. It has been said that we shall be known for and by our deeds. The good deeds of those aforementioned have been plentiful and understood by those who have taken time to notice.”
“Since we just had an election in November, I think that the person who got the next highest number of votes should be on the council and I think that’s Ted Winterrer. I don’t see what the big controversy is on this issue.”
“I would like to have Bobby Shriver replacing Katz.”
“Although it will not happen, I would like to see Jerry Rubin as the new City Council member.”
“The councilmember to replace Herb Katz should be elected. Our present SMRR-dominated City Council may feel that they can appoint somebody to supposedly save money that a special election would cost, however, the amount for such a special election is a drop in the bucket compared to the $500 million annual budget the city has. So let’s do it right and have an election.”
“I would like to see Susan Hartley in Katz’ place on council because she is the exact opposite of Katz. I’m sure she would never sell her vote to developers, but will keep our city from becoming a mass of skyscrapers.”
“Unless they want another election, one of the two who came in right after the lifetime incumbents in the last election. Ted Winterer or Susan Hartley is the obvious proper choice. Of course, they want one of their own from Santa Monicans for Developers’ Rights, probably Terry O’Day.”
“The best person for our trees and other important community issues is Jerry Rubin, or someone like him.”
“I would love to see peace activist Jerry Rubin on our City Council. He really would be the best.”
“I feel that Ted Winterer should be on the City Council because he came in fourth and if Herb Katz died a little earlier, Ted Winterer would be on the City Council and he was voted next by the people.”
“Poor Mr. Katz had his last meow and now the rabid dogs from Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights are salivating and barking to replace him with another fascist kook from their dirty kennel. If they were fair, Ted Winterer, a moderate runner-up in the last election should be seated. However, we all know they will pick someone absolutely evil from their pack of wiley coyotes.”
“Susan Hartley.”
“Why not just give the seat to a bum or a transient, since they have free reign over the city anyways.”
“My vote is for Linda Piera-Avila. Why? Integrity, intelligence, and deep concern for the city.”