The City of Santa Monica is home to some amazing students. This past month the Santa Monica Lions were proud to present almost 50 students, from Lincoln Middle School, John Adams Middle School and New Roads School, with Young Leaders In Service Awards. Silver awards were given to students completing 50 hours of community service this past year, and gold awards for students completing 100 hours of community service in the past year. We are fortunate to have so many youths putting the needs of others before their own and demonstrating the Lions motto – We Serve. For students and schools that are interested in participating in the awards program next year, please contact Pam Andrews at
While many communities are looking for ways to cut down on waste and build recycling programs, the Lions have been recycling for years. In fact, we have taken to the next level by using our recycling efforts to help others. I am talking about the international Lions Cubs eyeglass and hearing-aid recycling program. Thank you to the many people who checked our website for a list of locations throughout Santa Monica where you can donate used eyeglasses, frames and hearing-aids. In just under three months we received more than 800 eyeglasses! These glasses were taken to a site in Beaumont where other Lions clean, repair and sort them, so they can be distributed to those in need.
As summer begins, the members of the SM Lions Club are busy planning our 65th Annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, September 28, to be held at our usual location, at the Santa Monica Boys & Girls Club, on Lincoln Blvd. Ticket prices will be $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12, with all proceeds going back into the community. It will be a fun morning of fluffy pancakes, fun activities, craft projects, lively entertainment and a raffle. If you are interested in helping out, or donating something for the raffle, please contact Gail Litvack, Sarah Young-Sheppard or Alan Parr at
If you want to learn more about the Santa Monica Lions, you are welcome to attend a lunch meeting on the 1st or 3rd Thursday of each month. Please contact Marilynn Schalit at or (310) 903-8819 or Yoriko Fisher at or 443-883-1101 to RSVP for lunch. Our lunch meetings are held at the Elks Lodge at 1040 Pico, Santa Monica from 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. Evening meetings are held quarterly from 6 – 8 p.m. in various Santa Monica locations.