We appreciate Mr. Anthony Fuller’s service to the families and staff of Olympic and Off Campus Learning Center (OCLC) and thank him for inspiring students to reach their full potential.
We are disappointed that Mr. Fuller has chosen to promote misinformation about Olympic High Continuation School where he has served as Principal for the past seven years.
Currently, there are 37 students at Olympic and enrollment has declined since a high of 91 in 2015. This is a result of the success of Samohi and Malibu High in supporting students academically and behaviorally.
We continue to support our students and staff at Olympic with personal attention, opportunities, and guidance while meeting their unique needs. Our at-promise students at Olympic and OCLC are supported with all needed and necessary tools and materials to help them succeed academically and personally, navigate educational and personal challenges, and be fully prepared for college and career.
While we had high hopes for Mr. Fuller to embrace and engage in the development of 21st-century learning models, there were some missed opportunities in doing so. With enrollment hovering around 40 students the last few years, creativity and innovation are required to provide students with a full range of programs and classes in an integrative manner.
Unfortunately, the vision was lacking to make this work, even though the following opportunities were offered to or facilitated for the site:
• Project-based learning training and consultation
• Music production and DJ music design
• Districtwide learning and innovation workshops for teachers advertised in principals’ updates
• Visitations to other model continuation schools that have implemented this type of programming
• Consultation to create a content creation space and an elective course
• Continued offer to share the iStudio space at the Obama Center
Olympic students do currently receive a full array of mental health services and counseling that has been supported by Mr. Fuller, including:
• A mental health coordinator funded by the City of Santa Monica for 10 hours a week, working closely with the district mental health coordinator
• Individual counseling through Providence St. John’s, also funded by the City of Santa Monica, along with counseling groups.
• The Social & Emotional Wellness Initiative provides a social work intern for 15 hours a week for individual and group support, in coordination with our district mental health coordinator
• An additional intern provided by SMMUSD for 11 hours per week, including a grief and loss group, attendance awareness and support, and in-class presentations
• Individual therapy support from Insight Psychotherapy group
Our team continues to focus on the success of Olympic and OCLC students and we look forward to celebrating another graduating class next month.
The new Principal of Olympic High and OCLC will have an opportunity and full support in developing a program that will be progressive and more in line with the district’s vision for 21st-century learning that will incorporate the arts, technological skills, academic skills, as well as 21st-century skills.
Dr. Ben Drati, Superintendent, SMMUSD