Who did we elect to serve the public of Santa Monica? The city council beats their chests boasting transparency yet, all they do is talk-the-talk, but don’t walk-the-walk.
They refuse to open the Fairview branch library which is a valuable resource to the Sunset Park community.
They refuse to open the pickle ball courts that is a source of exercise as well as fun for the public.
The City Wi Fi problem in Sunset Park has still not been addressed and has been out since May 26 of this year. Neither the Information Systems nor the city council will take responsibility for answers as each one refers the problem to the other to fix both ignoring each other in a series of ping-pong talk to the citizens questions.
Parking structure 3 is slated for demolition to make way for affordable housing yet, no architectural plans drawn up and there was never any public discussion about said project.
Many businesses have permanently closed or are in the process of moving away with no concern of the city council.
If a city is a good as its civic leaders the who did we elect?
Whitney Scott Bain, Santa Monica