After reading your article in the Friday edition ("Samohi makes familiar trip to Palisades," Sept. 13), I needed to vent my feelings about the Samohi-Palisades [football] game being played on [Yom Kippur]. You mention how a scheduling conflict over the use of Corsair Field forced Samo to play the game at Pali for the second straight year. It did not have to be that way.
While there may not be many Jewish players on either team, why put them in a situation where they had to choose between their team and their religion (remember Sandy Koufax)? Did anyone ever consider playing the game Thursday night or Friday afternoon? (I should note that my great nephew quarterbacks a Westside city high school and they played on Friday at 3 p.m.)
Coach [Travis] Clark mentions how the rivalry between these two schools has been going for a long time. Why deprive the Jewish students at these schools and the Jewish supporters of these two teams the opportunity to attend this rivalry game? The administrators at these schools did many a disfavor when they scheduled the game on such an important Jewish holiday and I can only hope that it does not happen again.
Mark Kaiserman
Santa Monica