The City of Santa Monica should be on notice that the crosswalk between 15th and Montana is not a crosswalk, but indeed, nothing short of a death trap. I have tried to cross at the intersection countless times, only to have drivers fly past me, failing to yield without regard. The other day, I watched drivers fail to stop for an elderly couple (who incidentally were in reflective and fluorescent gear), children walking home from Lincoln Middle School, and myself, pushing my baby in a stroller. When the weekend comes, the risk grows even greater as the volume of cars and pedestrians increase.
The City should put an illuminated crosswalk sign like others on Montana, Pico, and Ocean Park. Or a minimum, post a police officer to stop and ticket offenders, as the last time I checked, it was a violation of the California Vehicle Code to fail to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. Imagine: increased safety for pedestrians and increased revenue for the City! Win, win!
Valerie Campion
Santa Monica