Well, I've been doing some research. I intend to pursue the recall effort ("Calling for a recall," Letters to the Editor, April 25). However, the process is not simple. So, anyone who wishes to help me start the petition and fulfill the requirements for actually beginning a recall of the four prominently pro-development City Council members — Terry O'Day, Gleam Davis, Robert Holbrook and Pam O'Connor — should note the following:
Before we can begin a petition, we must serve a notice of intention (signed by 10 certified voters) by certified mail or personal delivery on each officer we wish to recall, file notice along with an affidavit of the time and manner of service within seven days with the "appropriate elections official," which I assume is the Santa Monica City Clerk. The process gets even more complicated after that, so I guess I'm asking the editor of the SMDP to get the word out. Perhaps the Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City would initiate a meeting at a public place to begin the process.
Let's get involved!
Anna Sklar
Santa Monica