When you have no message of your own and can’t rebut the opposing message — attack the messenger.
I should probably be flattered that both Nicole Faries and Sarah Starks saw fit to write lengthy personal broadsides against me this past week — it means they’re effectively conceding that Laurie Lieberman and Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein have presided over unprecedented and indefensible school district malfeasance, and that challengers Angela DiGaetano, Miles Warner, Esther Hickman and Stacy Rouse have real ideas for reducing class size, restoring trust and repairing district priorities.
And that’s why Sarah Starks is doing opposition research on… me. A district parent who has done nothing but advocate for my child — as is the right of every parent. A parent who publicly invited her to meet to try and find common ground (an invitation which still stands.) But defenders of the status quo don’t really believe in the diversity and inclusion they claim to embrace — otherwise they wouldn’t defend 20% dis-enrollment as the cost of ideological cleansing.
So let’s be clear: I’m not on the ballot. But four amazing candidates are — candidates who will impartially advocate for all district students and families and not play politics with the lives of our children. Those of us who support them have no agenda and no litmus test other than that we love our children and want a district which prioritizes them over politics.
As for Nicole Faries and CEPS — the same CEPS which boasts five sitting school board members on its roster, including the incumbents, with no less than Laurie Lieberman’s husband Chris Harding as its Executive Committee Member — it’s pretty clear CEPS isn’t just a surrogate for the incumbents; it’s a registered PAC and an agent of their campaigns. So thanks for the reminder that there’s only one side in this race with a record of dividing our communities and attacking parents.
Wade Major, Malibu