Donald Trump, aka Individual 1, is now using the justice department to end Obama-care. This would instantly deprive 22 millions of health care. (Is that all?) In addition, the national debt is $22 trillion; Individual 1’s deficit is up 77%; and he ignores a U.N. climate science report that predicted we have just 12 years to make changes or the planet will be toast. (Meanwhile, I can’t find my TV remote.)
But not to worry about Trump. Why? Because the country’s top evangelical leaders say God put him in office. (And here I thought it was the Russians.)
Actually, if there was ever a casting call for an anti-Christ, Trump be hired immediately. Let’s start with cheating on all three wives and numerous mistresses; paying off porn stars and Playboy models; pathological lying since childhood; greedy, gluttonous and amoral and never once asking God’s forgiveness. (“What’s to forgive?” Trump asks.)
The fact is Trump maintains strong support from Evangelicals, who have overlooked his dabbles with porn and gambling, his three marriages and Melania having posed nude. In fact, evangelicals see Trump as “God’s arm” in the White House and believe disagreeing with the president is disobeying God.
Going back to1989, remember disgraced televangelist and fountain of tears, Jim Bakker? Hush money paid to church secretary, Jessica Hahn for alleged rape led to his resignation from the ministry and ultimately his 24 count conviction for mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy and a 45-year prison sentence. (He only served 5, so actor Jussie Smolett isn’t the only one who got a sweetheart deal.)
Proving you can’t keep a good con artist down, Bakker is back. He’s remarried and returned to televangelism, with a new scam, I mean, ministry. It’s called “Morningside Church” in Missouri and he’s the star of The Jim Bakker Show. Well, Jimbo says of Trump, “He’s been raised up by God who places all people in authority.” Good grief.
Of “Mango Mussolini’s” orange skin-tone, Bakker says, “It’s caused by the Holy Spirit flowing through him.” (And here I’ve always thought it was heavy application or Maybelline or too much time in the tanning bed.)
Then there’s evangelist Franklin Graham, son of the late preacher Billy Graham. In 2018, Frankie claimed the “bomb cyclone” that hit the East Coast, was divine punishment. “New York, Trump’s home state, voted against him, and now they are getting hit with the biggest snowstorm in memory. This is what happens when you go against God’s representative.” (I just wish once lightning would strike when these clowns make statements like that.)
Perhaps the King of the evangelicals is Pat Robertson who, like many fundamentalist Christians (“fundies”), is a huge Trump fan. On his “The 700 Club” TV show, Robertson said, “God told me last night that Donald Trump’s name has been written in the Book of Life. He’s guaranteed a place in heaven. In fact, he’ll also be a real estate mogul and have his own Trump Tower.”
Robertson’s claim would seem to run counter to Matthew 19:24, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Especially when that Big Mac eating rich man weighs nearly 300 pounds!)
I never knew there was actually a “Book of Life” indicating whether you’re either in or out of heaven. When Robertson says Trump’s name has been “written in,” who did the writing? (Maybe, it’s dictated and written via voice recognition?)
If there’s a Trump Tower in heaven, I wonder if it’s built with American or Chinese steel. And I can only hope contractors, sub-contractors and vendors got paid and not stiffed like every other Trump deal. (I also hope it fares better than the colossal failure, Trump Tower, Chicago, otherwise God has a real turkey on his hands.)
Many fundies have compared Individual 1 to King Cyrus, a biblical figure who played a role in saving the Jews. This view is also shared by Secretary of State Mike (Pompous) Pompeo. This, according to a recent Christian Broadcasting Network interview.
A CBN reporter asked Pompeo, “Could President Trump have been raised for such a time like this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace?” Pompeo replied, “As a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible.” Good grief #2.
Even though in the 2016 election there were far more signs of Russian interference than divine, I suppose it’s possible that God preferred Trump. Logically, however, how could he prefer someone who breaks every one of his Ten Commandments on a regular basis and mocks science as we turn God’s precious planet into toast? (With that said, bless me, I finally found my TV remote.)
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