I hate to acknowledge it, but we live in The Age of Lies. And their close cousins, Mis-/Disinformation and Distortion. These are often presented as "facts," either knowingly (disingenuously), or out of ignorance (often willful ignorance). This puts Facts on life support, needing our constant care and attention.
This stinky swamp succeeds because a long campaign with an eye toward oligarchy and authoritarianism, has finally succeeded in dumbing us down enough that it becomes easy work. As the Prophet George Carlin said decades ago, your owners don’t want critical thinkers coming out of schools, they only need you smart enough to pull the levers, to keep the machine running.
Most of this is driven by naked greed, of the oligarchy to suck even more riches away from the middle class (remember the middle class?) and into their bank accounts. The authoritarian aspect is attractive to many who don’t like what they see in society and have given up trying to build a majority for their views. You know – elections. So let’s just get a guy in there who hates the same people we do and will throw out democracy and give us what we want. And then let’s make sure he’s there forever. No more of this will of the people crap.
Of course all that is about our current national political scene. Project 2025. But what about here in Santa Monica? We’re divided, but it’s not that bad, is it?
No. There are no plans for mass deportations (that I know of). Although a lot of longtime residents have been forced out by development and density, and accompanying issues like high rents, gentrification, crime, mental illness, substance abuse and depression. But there are parallels. And we should pay attention to them. Push back, talk truth and facts. That’s a good thing. It’s hard to know what’s really going on when there is no transparency.
Here’s a parallel
Why do so many take as truth the nonsense and craziness that The Donald spews? Because so many are dumbed down, too lazy to find the facts in a time when every fact in the universe is at your fingertips. Whatever Donald says, whatever Fox shows, look no further and pass it along.
Former Councilmember and mayor Kevin McKeown hardly has the following of Donald J. In fact, the consensus I measure among those not on the side of hyper-development for Santa Monica, is that after an initially honorable Council career, he became increasingly isolated and ineffective. No political power at this point, and very little influence. So why even pay any attention to what he says?
Because lately he has been saying it often, in letters to the Daily Press, and in regular pontificating at the weekly zoom meetings of neighborhood group OPA (Ocean Park Association). But he doesn’t live anywhere near Ocean Park. Why has he become a valued participant there? I have my notions.
I have nothing personally against McKeown. For a while he seemed to like me, a little, and his wife told me she loved my columns. Then Kevin began crossing the room or the street to avoid me. Never knew what it was, but he sure never changed his mind. That was a long time ago.
Words matter, facts matter
When someone with even a veneer of authority, or past "glory," posts misinformation in public, for all to see, that can’t be left to stand. Some people will believe it. Also, if you don’t push back and tell the truth, usually those folks will be emboldened to continue, and pile it even deeper.
McKeown wrote in twice in April, warning everyone to "Be careful what you sign," a petition to amend GS, approved housing legislation. Hardly worth two letters, in my opinion, but in calling it a battle of "dueling ex-Mayors, Pam vs Sue. Mud wrestling won’t help," he cursed us all with a visual that will be hard to erase.
In the June 21 edition of the Daily Press, under the title – I’m serious – "Just be honest," McKeown took Council member Christine Parra to task for something he misrepresented.
"Christine Parra’s defense of such lawbreaking (Daily Press 6/18 ‘Council votes not to proceed with an investigation into closed session leaks’) is disturbing and embarrassing.
"This is the second time in just three years that the ‘change slate’ voted to prevent an investigation from going forward." Calling for guidelines, penalties, and fiscal cost assessment before an investigation is not preventing it. "Parra pulled a page from the Trump playbook, accusing other Councilmembers of ‘weaponizing the City Attorney’s office for political gain.’ Buy the nice lady a MAGA hat!" Oh, dear – Kevin. I guess you don’t even realize whose behavior you are mirroring. But there is a lot of Trump-iness in Santa Monica politics, from Democratic organizations and so-called liberals and progressives. Don’t be fooled when those claims are thrown around.
And let me remind our ex-mayor that the Change Slate is three people, never a majority on a seven-seat Council. Knowing better, why would he ever say that? When the vote came on Parra’s proposal for information and guidelines before an investigation, it was 7-0. But McKeown wasn’t quite done. "For Christine Parra and your allies, I have to say it again: your behavior is an embarrassment."
The best rebuttal
To that misinformation came in the form of another letter to the editor, from Sunset Park maven Zina Josephs ("The Wrong Person"):
"In response to ‘retired former Mayor’ Kevin McKeown’s letter of June 21, attacking City Council member Christina Parra, if he had watched the entire Council discussion, he would know that she advocated for establishing policies, procedures, and penalties before embarking on an investigation of Council closed session leaks. She didn’t say not to investigate.
"Instead, McKeown seems to have cherry picked comments from the newspaper coverage and used those to malign an honorable sitting Council member, one who didn’t up and resign from her elected position mid-term, with no explanation to voters. Perhaps his use of the phrase ‘disturbing and embarrassing’ was applied to the wrong person."
That covers only one of McKeown’s two recent misinformation letters. The second one was awesome, with outright… inaccuracies, about a column of mine, and some other "doozies." But I am now emotionally spent, and have run out of room. But, stay tuned.
Charles Andrews has lived in Santa Monica for 38 years and wouldn’t live anywhere else.