Dear Editor,
Three years ago Parking Structure #3 was demolished to make way for "affordable housing," then it was decided to be a display of anime characters in domes and when that fell through a pickleball court was to be was to be built that disappeared into the either.
It's still a vacant lot.
Now, the City Council wants to demolish two more parking structures to make way for "affordable housing" once again. These are perfectly good structures that provide parking for vehicles when people can walk a short distance to the desolate Promenade and spend money in what little stores we have left.
The City Council should know better; "if it isn't broken, don't fix it." Yet, they couldn't collectively buy a clue foreseeing the major problems associated with demolishing said structures.
We're talking major gridlock during deconstruction with trucks hauling off material, people trying to go to or leave theirs jobs in the cars, airborne contaminants, lack of parking to visit the mall resulting in lack of people resulting in lack of revenue for the businesses. Ergo; layoffs and business closures in an ever increasing ghost town.
Ellis Raskin, an environment attorney and city council member, should know better to back this plan. There are consequences that will affect everyone. Those who endorse the demolition of the two, sound parking structures are hypocrites
Compared to the way the City Council collectively thinks in their hive mentality, I'm Oppenheimer.
Whitney Scott Bain, Santa Monica