On July 25 at approximately 10 p.m.
Officers responded to 1415 3rd Street Promenade on the report of a theft that had just occurred and Loss Prevention Officers were detaining a suspect outside the store. Upon arrival, officers contacted Loss Prevention Officers who stated that they had observed the suspect enter the store and immediately recognized him from a few days prior when he was caught in the store concealing items in his pockets. The subject was observed to select two items from a display case and conceal them inside his pants pockets again. The suspect exited the store without offering payment and was contacted by L.P. Officers. The suspect attempted to run and eventually handcuffed after a minor scuffle. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked at SMPD for robbery, possession of a controlled substance as during a search of his person he was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and a hit and run bench warrant. Roy Duncan, 25, of Calabasas, had bail set at $80,000.