Scheduled for January 28, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will consider new requirements for massage businesses (establishments) to help prevent human trafficking and protect public health and safety. If the ordinance amendment is adopted, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) would be required to inspect and permit all massage businesses in the unincorporated areas of the County of Los Angeles.
The Board of Supervisors directed County Counsel, in consultation with the Department of Public Health and the Business License Division under the Treasurer and Tax Collector, to prepare an ordinance that creates health and safety requirements for massage establishments, requires a public health permit, and sets a public health permit fee to recover program costs.
The proposed ordinance contains certain provisions, such as:
Requirements for a Public Health permit and a business license
Requirements for massage tables and sanitation of linens
Prohibiting advertising of unsolicited services
Requiring that a notice be posted regarding slavery and human trafficking
If the law is adopted, Public Health inspections of massage businesses could begin early this year within the unincorporated areas of the County of Los Angeles. Existing massage businesses would need to meet the new requirements of the ordinance by July 2. Inspections in incorporated cities would be dependent upon the city contracting with the County for this service.
For more information about the proposed ordinance, visit: