Tuesday, April 13 10:19pm
SMPD Officers were flagged down on the 1600 block of 2nd Street by a vehicle stating that a man had shot at their window. The victims pointed Officers in the direction of the suspect and proceeded to drive up to the suspect themselves and begin arguing. Additional units arrived to assist and interview all parties. Officers gathered that a verbal altercation occurred between the vehicle passengers and the suspect as he walked past their car. The verbal altercation led the suspect to pull a BB gun from his waistband and shoot at the back of the vehicle. Nelson Anthony Flores-Valles was arrested for 23110(b) VC - projecting metal substance, capable of causing serious bodily injury, at a moving vehicle, 246.3(b) PC - Negligent Discharge of a BB gun, 595(a) (2) PC - Vandalism, and 20170 PC - possession of an imitation firearm in a public place.