In the early morning hours of March 18, 2023, three subjects, Michael Leonardo Pico-Quintero, Tatiana Yuli Arango-Cheves and Sindy Milena Peralta-Porras, were arrested for identity theft, possession of stolen property, and grand theft. They were found in possession of more than twenty cellphones in a Faraday bag, several stolen credit cards and a black Louis Vuitton purse containing a stolen identification card.
Victims who tracked their phones to the location reported they had last seen their phones in The Victorian located at 2640 Main Street and Jameson’s Pub located at 2702 Main Street.
If you believe you might have been a victim of these theft suspects and need to file a stolen property report, please call our non-emergency line at 310-458-8491. If you have information about these suspects or the incident, please contact: SMPD Watch Comander (310)458-2249 (24 hours) or Detective Jauregui at (310)458-8451 /