As part of the Court’s continuing efforts to help people resolve their Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction matters, roughly 256,000 information packets are being mailed to individuals with Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction citation compliance dates to help them resolve their cases. The Court offers many options for resolving these citations online without having to come to court, a process that will now require a reservation which must be made in advance in order to speak with a clerk at a courthouse.
The compliance date is the date by which a person must respond to the citation or complete an action such as: the ‘appear by’ date provided on the citation, traffic school completion date and payment due date. It does NOT include anyone who has a scheduled court hearing date with a judicial officer.
The packets are being sent so that people with Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction citations will have detailed information and understand the options they have to resolve their cases without having to come to court.
The packets contain the following documents:
• READ ME FIRST! Advisement in English and Spanish which explains that an appointment to meet with a clerk must be scheduled in advance and provides Clerk’s Office Call Center numbers;
• FAQs in English and Spanish which provide answers to common questions regarding Traffic and Non-Traffic Infraction citations;
• Request for Trial by Declaration Form - used to contest a ticket in writing without coming to court*;
• Instructions for Trial by Declaration which explain the process and how to file;
• An Ability to Pay Petition - used when the court has decided that you owe the fine;
• Agreement to Pay Form - used when an individual wants to resolve the citation without coming to court and is unable to pay the full amount of the citation*. Submit an Ability to Pay Petition along with the Agreement to Pay Form.
Traffic and Non-Traffic infraction appearances scheduled between March 17 and June 22, 2020, have been rescheduled and notifications of new court dates have been sent. All due dates for tickets with a date to appear have been extended 90 days.
As part of the effort to enforce social distancing, it will be required to set an appointment in advance to receive in-person services for Traffic and Non-Traffic citations. (Note, traffic trials are not conducted telephonically or online at this time.)
Please visit the Court’s Traffic webpage ( or call the Santa Monica Courthouse Clerk’s Office Call Center Number (310) 255-1964 or Automated Traffic Assistance Number (213) 742-6648.
The mailing of the Traffic and Non-Traffic information packets is part of the Court’s Here For You | Safe For You initiative that focuses on providing a safe courthouse environment and offers expanded choices to conveniently conduct court business remotely — which promotes social distancing by reducing the number of people appearing in person. Whether appearing by phone or video from home, the office or coming to the courthouse, Here For You | Safe For You provides safe, efficient options to access justice. Information on Traffic and Here For You | Safe For You can be found on the Court’s website ( and Twitter page (@LASuperiorCourt).
Submitted by Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court