First Cronuts, now Wownuts! Why are we so blessed? We are truly living in a golden age of donuts.
Approximately one year ago, Santa Monica's favorite donut shop, DK's Donut's was spearheading the Cronut craze in Los Angeles. The Double Decker O-Nut (DK's spin on the trademarked Cronut) garnered a social media frenzy that caught the attention of dozens of food blogs, websites and local news outlets. Furthermore, it won over the hearts and stomachs of foodies across the Southland with lines out the door during all hours of the day.
What seemed like a flash-in-the-pan food trend became the real deal when the lines did not subside and huge orders for movie studios and other large events occurred on a more consistent basis. One year later the O-Nut is now a mainstay in the D.K.s display case with more varieties you could count on your hand.
In the perpetual pursuit of keeping things fresh D.K.s is literally striking while the iron is hot with the next food craze, their version of the waffle-donut hybrid, The Wownut. Once again, the food blogs are back, Instagam is buzzing, and the lines are a little longer than usual with people wanting to check out D.K.s next big thing.
A mix of cake donut and waffle batter is cast into waffle irons. Once set, it is finished in the deep fryer and embellished with glazed icing and an assortment of confections. Waffle varieties include purple Ube, red velvet, original butter, and chocolate waffle. In true form to D.K's expect a dozen more varieties to come.
Wow-nuts are made fresh to order meaning they are served hot and crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. The waffle grids collect extra glaze, sprinkles and cookie crumbs. It reaches new echelons of over the top treats and makes the glazed donut look like a bran muffin. You really have to lose yourself while devouring a Wownut, there is no other way. After all, ignorance is bliss.
It's unclear if the Wow-nut will stand the sands of time as the O-Nut did one year ago. But if one year from now lines start to gather outside D.K.s for the biggest thing since it the Wownut, nobody should be surprised.
One of the greatest joys of D.K.s is gazing into the display case dreaming of all the donuts you probably shouldn't eat. At least with the hybrid Wownut you could consolidate multiple cravings into one treat. D.K.'s is the best thing to happen to donuts since the hole.
DK Donuts & Bakery
1614 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 829-2512