To kick off the new school year, UCLA professor Dr. Tyrone Howard will speak on "Awakening the Genius in the African American Student" at the Committee for Racial Justice meetingSept. 13.
At UCLA Dr. Howard is on the faculty in the division of Urban Schooling in the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies and teaches African American studies. He is also the founder and director of the Black Male Institute. In addition he serves as faculty associate director of the Academic Advancement Program, which is the nation's premier program for retention of underrepresented students. Author of Why Race and Culture Matters in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America's Classrooms," Dr. Howard is one of this country's most renowned scholars on educational equity, the African American experience, Black males, and urban schools.
Those present at the workshop will hear briefly about action plans developing in a local study group on police issues. This will be followed by Dr. Howard's presentation and a Q & A.
This is part of an ongoing monthly workshop series sponsored by the Committee For Racial Justice.
Co-sponsored by Virginia Ave. Park; the African American Parent, Staff, Student Support Group; and the Church in Ocean Park.
Sunday, September 13, free workshop, 6 - 8:30 p.m. (potluck supper at 6 p.m. & program at 6:30 p.m.), Virginia Avenue Park, Thelma Terry Bldg., 2200 Virginia Ave.
For more information, call (310) 422-5431.