President Donald Trump swung through Santa Monica Friday evening.
The president was on his way to a 2020 reelection campaign fundraiser in Beverly Hills. His arrival brought a motorcade which brought traffic jams momentarily throughout Santa Monica. His presence also brought about supporters and protestors.
Trump was met with many protestors during his last visit to Santa Monica. Last year’s protestors brought signs, strapped signs to pets and chanted at the president.
This year was a stark contrast in protestors as there were maybe 10-15 in the second floor of a building across from Ocean Park Boulevard with a handful of MAGA hat donning supporters in a floor directly beneath them.
“It gets uncomfortable here in Santa Monica, being conservative,” Karen, who asked to have her last name withheld said. “This is the first time since he’s been elected that I can wear this hat.”
A Trump supporter named Evan, who also asked to have his last name withheld, chimed in.
“This shows everyone that Trump supporters are everywhere. Places you wouldn’t expect them.”
The second floor Trump protestors jeered and booed Trump as he drove by, chanting, “Lock him up” while donning their protest signs which had statements such as “Not my president” and “Release the Mueller Report”.