The opening title screens of the film Sicario flash the meaning of the term - it is the word for "hit man" or "assassin" in modern Mexico/ or in ancient history, a band of zealots who stealthily hunted the Romans who had overtaken their city. It is important that there is not one simple meaning to this term, as you will see in experiencing this film…and it is an experience.
Pay attention to detail all the way through this film. In the beginning, note the rhythm of the "heartbeat" sounds, the long shots and the close-ups, the eyes. Most of what is communicated is done without words. When there are words they are concise and succinct, eloquent and in character. You can see the dust particles in the daytime scenes. In later night-vision scenes the particles are there as bright specs of light, giving the visuals a continuity and realism. Every detail has a meaning.
Director Denis Villeneuve and his team are so skilled at the art of film that even the aerial shots convey deep sadness, and silent close-ups register confusion, loss and fear. This is Villeneuve's best film yet. Most of his work has been lower budget films and shorts, many of which won nominations and awards. His best-known work to this point, the excellent thriller Prisoners, does not have the impactful scope of this film. Villeneuve did however, bring three of his filmmakers from Prisoners to make Sicario: legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins, production designer Patrice Vermette and composer Johann Johannson - three of the best in the business. Great directors are a joy to work with, and their team will follow them to the next project whenever possible. Johannson, who also scored Theory of Everything, has created a sound presence that disappears into the rhythm of the story. That's what a score should do - a level of artistry very difficult for film composers to reach.
Watch the breathtaking understated performances from Emily Blunt, James Brolin and Benicio del Toro. Each of their characters has flaws and these great actors have embraced the imperfections without flinching. The whole narrative of the first few earthshaking minutes of the film is told in Emily Blunt's eyes. Del Toro and Brolin walk the line between good and evil with the sensitivity of tightrope artists. Their characters are, above all, human. Every minor character, even if on screen for just moments, makes an impact.
The story told here is universal. The backdrop is the Mexican drug wars, depicting the absolute chaos surrounding that scene today. The US intelligence agencies, with their copious bureaucracy, have a hard time keeping pace with split-second developments. That point is made in the film. In fact, one could imagine that it would be easier to gain control of this dangerous and tumultuous state of affairs if the US could to revert to the "unwritten code of the Old West", a mythic and simplistic sense of order popularly depicted on film. Look for Sicario as a contender for possible multiple Oscars.
Kathryn Whitney Boole was drawn into the entertainment industry as a kid and never left. It has been the backdrop for many awesome adventures with crazy creative people. She now works as a Talent Manager with Studio Talent Group in Santa For previously published reviews see
Rated R, Run time 121 mins.